CGI News

Two New Payroll Professionals!

Congratulations to Elysia Sleeper and Colby Misiaszek on earning their Fundamentals of Payroll Certification (FPC) with the American Payroll Association. With this certification, both are formally certified as payroll professionals.


The pressures of economic and legislative developments on the payroll function have broadened the scope of payroll beyond its basic function of paying employees. Today’s payroll professional utilizes the latest technology for executing the payroll and, in most cases, interfaces with other systems in an organization. Moreover, payroll has come under a wide array of governmental mandates, from the federal income tax withholding that affects most employees to the satisfaction of judgments against individual employees. The goals of the APA’s Fundamental Payroll Certification program are:

  • to promote the standard for payroll practitioners, which is accepted by the business community and the public at large;
  • to encourage professional growth and individual study by the payroll practitioner;
  • to provide the standard of requisite knowledge for the payroll practitioner;
  • to measure by means of the certification examination the attainment and application of that standard; and
  • to recognize formally those colleagues who continue to meet the requirements of the APA Certification Board’s FPC Committee.

This certification is the first step in their continued knowledge and education of the payroll industry! We are so proud Elysia and Colby represent CGI and share their knowledge by continually providing an excellent client experience.