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An Eye Toward Wellness

An Eye Toward Wellness

Often times, we hear about the importance of wellness. It seems as if everyone is talking about it, and when we reflect upon it, it can be difficult to characterize what wellness means. In its most simplistic sense, wellness focuses on what makes us healthy,...

Payroll Services by CGI Business Solutions

Payroll Services by CGI Business Solutions

Paying your employees in a timely manner and making sure you’ve done it right every time is an essential aspect of running a business. The bigger your company, perhaps the bigger the risk of making mistakes that can have serious legal ramifications. Additionally, the...

CynrGI Powered by CGI Business Solutions

CynrGI Powered by CGI Business Solutions

Integrated Services to Allow Clients to Stay Focused on Their Core Business CGI Business Solutions has been in the employee benefits business for decades. Our experience has taught us that many clients are hiring multiple vendors with varying platforms to provide...

Controlling Cost and Risk: Is an ICHRA Right for Your Business?

Controlling Cost and Risk: Is an ICHRA Right for Your Business?

Employers are constantly facing the battle of providing competitive healthcare benefits while being mindful of the increasing costs and risks associated with this benefit. They know that health insurance is critically important to their employees, but not everyone has...

Captive Insurance: Take Control, Reduce Costs, and Balance Risk

Captive Insurance: Take Control, Reduce Costs, and Balance Risk

The only things that are sure in life are death and taxes. But if you are like many Americans, the need for insurance – specifically health insurance – is a sure thing too. According to a recent study by Kaiser, roughly 50% of the country receives health insurance...

Are Your Employees Preparing for Retirement?

Are Your Employees Preparing for Retirement?

You value your employees and provide them with a great rewards and benefits package. The assumption is that they are making sound decisions to enable them to retire comfortably, but how would you really know? Who has time to address the many questions that accompany...